Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Nail Salon Open: Bright Purple by Barry M and 381 Jade Green by Rimmel

Good morning! It's back to the normal week now seeing as the Easter weekend is over - sad face being pulled. Meaning back to work etc. additionally my older sister is returning to her university which is far far away today. But just before she ups and leaves, there's a nail polish installation!
As the current nail polish collection isn't too large, it's still portable and that means they are brought out to paint family and friend's nails which gives a reasoning to the title today as it's a joke that the Nail Salon is now open for business when brought out of my room! These polishes are Barry M and 381 Jade Green by Rimmel Pro, here's the base colour in all it's beauty:

It's been highlighted well in the lovely sunny weather, hopefully it'll last but it's not looking good where I am sat at the moment. Jade Green was simple to apply as the brush was slightly wider than normal brushes making it a two stroke application. Solution wise it was the correct consistency for easy application as well as being very opaque meaning only two coats! Next to the interesting bit applying all the dots.

When applying these dots, I'd forgotten that my sister hadn't seen them - she was really quite surprised at how quick and easy it was. Also loving the effect on her nails it had! Bright Purple was a little bit trickier to apply seeing as it was a tad gloopy due to it's age. It was much better being the dots than the base coat. Overall a good little combination and the nail wear-er seemed to love it!


  1. Lovely color combo! The dotting tool is literally the best way to make a manicure look complex.

    1. It's a fantastic tool and it's great that it's not too expensive either! Colour combination was chosen completely by my sister. :)



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